Being born is one of the most stressful events we may ever experience. The soft bones of a baby’s skull overlap or ‘mould’ as the contractile forces of the uterus squeeze the baby down the birth canal. Generally after birth the moulding resolves naturally, In some cases however, some of the strains remain.
Conditions where strain is more likely to be unresolved include an abnormal lie during the pregnancy, (eg breech ), very quick or difficult long labours, forceps or suction deliveries, breech and face presentations and premature deliveries.
Osteopathic Practitioners believe that retained moulding in the skull and restrictions in a baby’s body are an important factor in reflux, colic, difficulties feeding, passing gas, vomiting, irritability, poor sleeping, ear infections and plagiocephaly (misshapen skull).
Maintenance osteopathic treatment is beneficial in helping children as their bodies go through rapid growth spurts. Regular treatment can help realign the body after falls and sporting injuries. Resolving strains in a child can also help prevent problems developing at a later age or in adulthood.